Nine: Concerning new beginnings

Originally Posted 7th February 2011

Post nine, start of week two! To be quite honest I didn’t think I’d make it this far, and I never really intended this to be one a day but now it seems appropriate. I do have to warn you however that In a week I am starting a new Open University course and shortly after theat a new job so the post may become less frequent but I will do my best! The reason I talked about the new course and the new job leads me on to today’s random musing and therefore today’s picture:

This picture is a view of sunrise over San Francisco taken on the first morning in the apartment we were renting over there. It was amazing to wake up every morning to sunrises and views like this and I definitely did not spend enough time there. This is not the main reason I posted this photo today; it is here to represent new beginnings. Something I have been thinking about recently due to the amount of new things that are about to start in my life.

This also really follows on from post seven about choices; there is a great tendency in the human race (or at least the ones I come into contact with) to talk about how they should make changes, about how they will start on monday or next month or next year. There is a desire to wait for a big event to make a change, people make new year’s resolutions or they change on their birthday or for an event like a wedding. Either that or it takes an external factor like redundancy or illness to force a change.

The point of the picture is to remind you (and me) that there is a new beginning every day. There is no need to wait for a monday or the start of a month or year, every day is brand new and can go any way you want it to. If you want to start something why not today? With every sunrise make the decision about how the day will go. They might not all look as spectacular as the one in the picture but they are all new. A new day can mean a new outlook, or a new habit or a new beginning. If we wake up every day and decide on a new action or activity, then life could get a whole lot more interesting!